
Urinary Incontinence or commonly known as involuntary loss of bladder control is a social and hygienic problem. There are many causes and many types of urinary incontinence. Women of all ages may experience this condition; however, its prevalence increases with age and with trauma to the related structures (for example vaginal delivery, surgery complications, physical injuries). Depending on the type and severity of urinary incontinence, there is a variety of treatments available.

Fecal Incontinence is the involuntary loss of feces or gas. The incidence of this condition fortunately is not high. Among women, it is often due to damage of the anal sphincter during vaginal delivery. The prevalence of fecal incontinence increases in patients with urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse due to stretched and weakened muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor. 

Incontinence greatly affects quality of life. Sadly it is often untreated or under-treated. Many women resort to using pads and diapers and learning to live with it rather than addressing the problem. The good news is that there are many effective treatments available.

At Pelvica, we identify the cause and the type of incontinence and then apply the appropriate treatment. Among the methods we use is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles - commonly known as Kegels. First, we make sure that you can do them correctly. Then, we customize a treatment plan as well as create a home exercise regimen - specific to the level of strength of your pelvic floor muscles. We understand that this may be a difficult and sensitive topic, so we provide a comfortable environment to talk about all of your concerns. 

We Treat The Following Conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence 
    • Urge urinary incontinence 
    • Stress urinary incontinence
    • Mixed urinary incontinence
    • Overactive bladder
    • Nocturia - waking up one or more times at night to urinate 
    • Nocturnal enuresis - involuntary urination during sleep
  • Fecal/gas incontinence